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Dan Skognes




My Name is Dan Skognes. I passed the EC6 generalist certification for Elementary School teaching, and also am highly qualified to teach Business / Marketing at the Jr. and Sr. High level due to my education and business experience. I substitute taught in Grapevine Colleyville ISD from 2015 to 2016, and also did some substitute teaching in HEB ISD in 2016. 

I have been working as a Paraprofessional Teacher's Aide at the International Leadership of Texas in Grand Prairie since August 2016. My role there has been primarily to work with the 3rd grade, but I have done work with all of the grades from time to time including special ed.

KeyNotePeople was formed to help professional speakers connect with speaking engagements around the country. The second division is my HR consulting business, and that includes leadership training and development and talent acquisition and retention.

I was formally trained in HR as an assessor and administrator of the assessment center for a Fortune 500 company. This was used to screen job applicants as well as identify future leaders and managers for the company using simulated exercises that mimic what they would experience in real life.

One of my passions is in serving in the local church. I lead the Kingdom Business Group (a Christian Chamber of Commerce Group) from 2011 - 2014.

I also am a Motivation Expert, Speaker, and Blogger and have had my own company since 2005. 

I have the gift for connecting people.

Let's get connected!
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Let's get social:
Business Websites:
Keynote People: 
Blog Website:
LinkedIn: danskognes
Twitter: @danskognes
Facebook: danskognes
Google+: Dan Skognes
Pinterest: Dan Skognes


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